126 research outputs found

    NEGF simulations of a junctionless Si gate-all-around nanowire transistor with discrete dopants

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    We have carried out 3D Non-Equilibrium Green Function simulations of ajunctionlessgate-all-around n-type silicon nanowiretransistor of 4.2 × 4.2 nm2 cross-section. We model the dopants in a fully atomistic way. The dopant distributions are randomly generated following an average doping concentration of 1020 cm−3. Elastic and inelastic phonon scattering is considered in our simulation. Considering the dopants in adiscrete way is the first step in the simulation of random dopant variability in junctionlesstransistors in a fully quantum mechanical way. Our results show that, for devices with an “unlucky” dopants configuration, where there is a starvation of donors under the gate, the threshold voltage can increase by a few hundred mV relative to devices with a more homogeneous distribution of dopants. For the first time we have used a quantum transport model with dissipation to evaluate the change in threshold voltage and subthreshold slope due to the discrete random donors in the channel of ajunctionlessnanowire nMOS transistor. These calculations require a robust convergence scheme between the quantum transport equation and the Poisson equation in order to achieve convergence in the dopant-induced resonance regime

    Multi-scale Simulations of Metal-Semiconductor Nanoscale Contacts

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    PublishedAn electron transport simulations via a metal-semiconductor interface is carried out using multi-scale approach by coupling ab-initio calculations with 3D finite element ensemble Monte Carlo technique. The density functional theory calculations of the Mo/GaAs (001) interface show electronic properties of semiconductor dramatically change close to the interface having a strong impact on the transport. Tunnelling barrier lowers and widens due to a band gap narrowing near the interface reducing resistivity by more than one order of magnitude: from 2.1 × 10-8Ω.cm2 to 4.7 × 10-10Ω.cm2. The dependence of electron effective mass from the distance to the interface also plays a role bringing resistivity to 7.9 × 10-10Ω.cm2.This work was supported by the EPSRC grants EP/I010084/1, EP/I009973/1, and HECToR facility computer resource EPSRC grant EP/F067496. PVS was supported by the Royal Society

    Hyperfine structure of alkali-metal diatomic molecules

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    Unraveling the periprandial changes in brain serotonergic activity and its correlation with food intake-related neuropeptides in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    This study explored changes in brain serotonin content and activity together with hypothalamic neuropeptide mRNA abundance around feeding time in rainbow trout, as well as the effect of one-day fasting. Groups of trout fed at two (ZT2) and six (ZT6) hours after lights on were sampled from 90 minutes before to 240 minutes after feeding, while additional groups of non-fed trout were also included in the study. Changes in brain amine and metabolite contents were measured in hindbrain, diencephalon and telencephalon, while in the diencephalon the mRNA abundance of tryptophan hydroxylase ( tph1 , tph2 ), serotonin receptors (5htr1a , 5htr1b and 5htr2c ) and several neuropeptides ( npy , agrp1 , cartpt , pomca1 , crfb ) involved in the control of food intake were also assessed. The results showed changes in the hypothalamic neuropeptides that were consistent with the expected role for each in the regulation of food intake in rainbow trout. Serotonergic activity increased rapidly at the time of food intake in the diencephalon and hindbrain and remained high for much of the postprandial period. This increase in serotonin abundance was concomitant with elevated levels of pomca1 mRNA in the diencephalon, suggesting that serotonin might act on brain neuropeptides to promote a satiety profile. Furthermore, serotonin synthesis and neuronal activity appear to increase already before the time of feeding, suggesting additional functions for this amine before and during food intake. Exploration of serotonin receptors in the diencephalon revealed only small changes for gene expression of 5htr1b and 5htr2c receptors during the postprandial phase. Therefore, the results suggest that serotonin may play a relevant role in the regulation of feeding behavior in rainbow trout during periprandial time, but a better understanding of its interaction with brain centers involved in receiving and processing food-related signals is still needed.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. PID2022-136288OB-C31Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2019/37Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. BES-2017-079708Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022-08

    Ultracold polar molecules near quantum degeneracy

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    We report the creation and characterization of a near quantum-degenerate gas of polar 40^{40}K-87^{87}Rb molecules in their absolute rovibrational ground state. Starting from weakly bound heteronuclear KRb Feshbach molecules, we implement precise control of the molecular electronic, vibrational, and rotational degrees of freedom with phase-coherent laser fields. In particular, we coherently transfer these weakly bound molecules across a 125 THz frequency gap in a single step into the absolute rovibrational ground state of the electronic ground potential. Phase coherence between lasers involved in the transfer process is ensured by referencing the lasers to two single components of a phase-stabilized optical frequency comb. Using these methods, we prepare a dense gas of 4⋅1044\cdot10^4 polar molecules at a temperature below 400 nK. This fermionic molecular ensemble is close to quantum degeneracy and can be characterized by a degeneracy parameter of T/TF=3T/T_F=3. We have measured the molecular polarizability in an optical dipole trap where the trap lifetime gives clues to interesting ultracold chemical processes. Given the large measured dipole moment of the KRb molecules of 0.5 Debye, the study of quantum degenerate molecular gases interacting via strong dipolar interactions is now within experimental reach

    Controlling the quantum stereodynamics of ultracold bimolecular reactions

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    Chemical reaction rates often depend strongly on stereodynamics, namely the orientation and movement of molecules in three-dimensional space. An ultracold molecular gas, with a temperature below 1 uK, provides a highly unusual regime for chemistry, where polar molecules can easily be oriented using an external electric field and where, moreover, the motion of two colliding molecules is strictly quantized. Recently, atom-exchange reactions were observed in a trapped ultracold gas of KRb molecules. In an external electric field, these exothermic and barrierless bimolecular reactions, KRb+KRb -> K2+Rb2, occur at a rate that rises steeply with increasing dipole moment. Here we show that the quantum stereodynamics of the ultracold collisions can be exploited to suppress the bimolecular chemical reaction rate by nearly two orders of magnitude. We use an optical lattice trap to confine the fermionic polar molecules in a quasi-two-dimensional, pancake-like geometry, with the dipoles oriented along the tight confinement direction. With the combination of sufficiently tight confinement and Fermi statistics of the molecules, two polar molecules can approach each other only in a "side-by-side" collision, where the chemical reaction rate is suppressed by the repulsive dipole-dipole interaction. We show that the suppression of the bimolecular reaction rate requires quantum-state control of both the internal and external degrees of freedom of the molecules. The suppression of chemical reactions for polar molecules in a quasi-two-dimensional trap opens the way for investigation of a dipolar molecular quantum gas. Because of the strong, long-range character of the dipole-dipole interactions, such a gas brings fundamentally new abilities to quantum-gas-based studies of strongly correlated many-body physics, where quantum phase transitions and new states of matter can emerge.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Condensed Matter Theory of Dipolar Quantum Gases

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    Recent experimental breakthroughs in trapping, cooling and controlling ultracold gases of polar molecules, magnetic and Rydberg atoms have paved the way toward the investigation of highly tunable quantum systems, where anisotropic, long-range dipolar interactions play a prominent role at the many-body level. In this article we review recent theoretical studies concerning the physics of such systems. Starting from a general discussion on interaction design techniques and microscopic Hamiltonians, we provide a summary of recent work focused on many-body properties of dipolar systems, including: weakly interacting Bose gases, weakly interacting Fermi gases, multilayer systems, strongly interacting dipolar gases and dipolar gases in 1D and quasi-1D geometries. Within each of these topics, purely dipolar effects and connections with experimental realizations are emphasized.Comment: Review article; submitted 09/06/2011. 158 pages, 52 figures. This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Chemical Reviews, copyright American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work, a link will be provided soo
